Minimum Requirements

Stock Tracker stock control software is written using the latest Microsoft .NET technology and can run on a variety of databases including Microsoft’s SQL Server and MySQL.

Without getting too technical, the Stock Tracker stock control system will run on most PC under 10 years old (and some which are older) so there is no need to start unscrewing your office’s PC just to check!  For those who are a bit more technically minded, the suggest minimum specification for Stock Tracker and Stock Tracker Retail can be found below.  Stock Tracker – Cloud is a cloud based system so needs only an Internet connection.


Processor Duel core recommended, single core OK.

Most PC’s in use today will have sufficient processing power to work with Stock Tracker

Memory 1GB

The more RAM you have in your PC the more you can do at the same time.  Most PC’s under 10 years old will have enough RAM

Hard Drive 400MB free space is need to install Stock Tracker
Windows Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012 (inc SBS) and Windows 10 Compatible.

By using remote desktop software or Stock Tracker – Cloud, you can run Stock Tracker on Apple’s, iPads, Android Devices etc

Network Requirements Wifi Compatible.

100MB recommended, Most network cards will run at 100MB+